This website is intended to be a blog about my new YouTube Channel called ‘What Are We Fixing Today?‘. Please Like and Subscribe!
Here is a little about me– I retired from a large mid-western medical equipment manufacturer on December 31, 2019 and decided to try to let everyone in on my life and my transition into retirement.
I have a varied set of interests. I live in a 90 year old cape cod in the middle of a small city of 70,000 people. I have a small lot across the street from the city seat of government, but despite that I have a 1952 Allis Chalmers farm tractor that I drive around the city from time to time.
My wife has a business that has me fixing and creating cool home decor out of broken windows and drywall screws. I have been known to buy things on ‘for sale’ lists, fix it up, clean it up, generally add value and sell it off.
My former career was in computer management, electronics, and production support for a major medical equipment manufacturer. I like to automate things, generally via Home Assistant, Tasmota, Sonoff, Tuya, and whatever else I can get my hands on.
I have a 3D printer that I make things, mostly to sell, but once in a while as tools or toys, but always something interesting to me. If you want a sample of something I printed, join my Patreon Team.
Contact Links:
What are we Fixing Today Homepage / Website:
Channel Link URL: (WhatAreWeFixingToday)
What are we Fixing Today Facebook page (Sir GoodEnough):
What are we Fixing Today Twitter Account (Sir GoodEnough):
Discord Account: (Sir_Goodenough#9683)

If you would like to donate anything to this channel, please use this address:
C/O: Sirius GoodEnough
322 Buena Vista Ave.
Department: DYT
Waukesha, Wisconsin, 53188-3602