Battery Isolator & Tailgate Straps

Battery Isolator & Tailgate Straps

This is is a two -for-one video today. We install a Battery Isolator & Tailgate Straps are replaced in our [Dodge]( truck. The Battery Isolator is installed in an old [Hyundai Tucson](

Battery Isolator:

First we install the Battery Isolator. I found model number RL-240A-RC ASIN number B0CF44X2BP on Amazon. It is called a Joinfworld Kill Switch in the ad. Because it has a latching relay, meaning the relay only draws power when it’s switching states so, when sitting a long time that means it won’t draw (much) power from the battery. It should also have the minimum amperage rating that should work well with a small engine displacement car. As a result this installation went well albeit the instructions were a bit weird. I really think you seeing me install this is much better instructions that came in the package.

Tailgate Straps:

We then install the tailgate straps. The Lift Gate Support Straps on my 1996 Dodge pickup were almost broken and needed replacement. I found these model A1-55345124AB Rear Tailgate Cables from Mifyca as an aftermarket replacement on Amazon and they fit perfectly.
I suggest buying in pairs as they may not be exactly the same size as the ones already on the vehicle. This kit comes as a pair so install both. As a result you will find 2 parts in the kit and the two parts are similar, but different. I use these in the video to go over the difference in the video and show a couple of mistakes that happened while I was installing them. (Yes, it looks like I did these on purpose, but I just ffffd up is all.)

Replaces Part Number:

  • 55345124AB, 55345125AB, 38522, 38535

Fits the Following Models:

  • 1994-2001 Ram 1500 Pickup Truck and
  • 1994-2001 Ram 2500 Pickup Truck and
  • 2002 Ram 2500 Pickup Truck (Old Body Style Only) and
  • 1994-2001Ram 3500 Pickup Truck and
  • 2002 Ram 3500 Pickup Truck (Old Body Style Only)

00:00 Battery Isolator & Tailgate Straps
04:05 Open Box Isolator
06:14 Go Over Weird Instructions
09:00 Kill Switch Install
14:40 Testing / Demo
18:27 Tailgate Straps
19:30 Install Straps
25:50 Summary

Episode: 102

  • Battery Isolator & Tailgate Straps
  • Battery Isolator & Tailgate Straps
  • Battery Isolator & Tailgate Straps

Video related links:
Battery Isolator Link Amazon:
Pair Rear Tailgate Cables Lift Gate Support Straps:

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Video by imotivation from Pixabay

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SirGoodenough Guy Animations Courtesy 3ATIVE Studios

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The Truth by Anno Domini Beats
Blacksmith by Godmode
I retired from a large mid-western medical equipment manufacturer on December 31 (2019) and decided to try to let everyone in on my life and my transition into retirement. I have a varied set of interests. I live in a 90 year old cape cod in the middle of a small city of 70,000 people. I have a small lot across the street from the city seat of government, but despite that I have a 1952 Allis Chalmers farm tractor that I drive around the city from time to time. My wife has a business that has me fixing and creating cool home decor out of broken windows and drywall screws. I have been known to buy things on 'for sale' lists, fix it up, clean it up, generally add value and sell it off. Oh, yes, I'm getting chickens! But first I have to build the chicken coop and run. It will be like no other you have ever seen. Also will give me something to do. I am into home automation, have a Home Assistant enabled home and so will the chickens! I'll have to give them a password...