5 Things You Should be Doing After You Flash Tasmota But Likely Aren’t Doing

In this video I list 5 things that you SHOULD be doing after you flash Tasmota onto your Tuya based or Sonoff based (or any other for that matter) device so they work properly in Home assistant. I show you what to do and why. I also give you examples.

If you have other Tips and Hints regarding this, Please share in the video comments and I can bring them up on a future Video. You can also visit my Discord Seve and ask your questions there.

1: RESET 5


reset 5 = erase all flash and reset parameters to firmware defaults but keep Wi-Fi settings and restarts.





SetOption65 Device recovery using fast power cycle detection
0 = enabled (default)
1 = disabled

NOTE: With Tasmota 8.3.1 the reset trigger is changed from 4 power flashes to 7 power flashes.

4: TIME:


Backlog Timezone 99; TimeDST 0,2,3,1,2,-300; TimeSTD 0,1,11,1,2,-360; NtpServer1 pool.ntp.org; Latitude 43.0317; Longitude -87.9165

0=Northern Hemisphere
2=Week (of the month)
3=Month (March)
1=Day of the week (its Sunday)
2=hours (2am)
-300=CST (-5 hrs from UTC during DST which is -560= -300) or 0=Northern Hemisphere 1=Week (of the month) 11=Month (November) 1=Day of the week (its Sunday) 2=hours (2am) -360=CST (-6 hrs from UTC during STD which is -660= -360)

5: HA Restart:

 #################################################### # MQTT Restart Tasmota # #################################################### #### Use this automation to get all your devices in sync, including #### power state, immediately after Home Assistant is (re)started. - id: Your-Random-id-here_Preferrably-a-generated-UUID alias: Power state on HA start-up initial_state: 'on' trigger: platform: homeassistant event: start action: - service: mqtt.publish #(For Tasmota 7.x or later firmware) data: topic: cmnd/tasmotas/state payload: '' - service: mqtt.publish #(For Tasmota 6.x or earlier firmware) data: topic: cmnd/sonoffs/state payload: ''

Episode: 31

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I retired from a large mid-western medical equipment manufacturer on December 31 (2019) and decided to try to let everyone in on my life and my transition into retirement. I have a varied set of interests. I live in a 90 year old cape cod in the middle of a small city of 70,000 people. I have a small lot across the street from the city seat of government, but despite that I have a 1952 Allis Chalmers farm tractor that I drive around the city from time to time. My wife has a business that has me fixing and creating cool home decor out of broken windows and drywall screws. I have been known to buy things on 'for sale' lists, fix it up, clean it up, generally add value and sell it off. Oh, yes, I'm getting chickens! But first I have to build the chicken coop and run. It will be like no other you have ever seen. Also will give me something to do. I am into home automation, have a Home Assistant enabled home and so will the chickens! I'll have to give them a password...